China Expedition 2013: A Tale of Typhoon-Tossed Kudzu - The Plant Press

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Great scientific story! I can't wait for the sequel!

I have been using kudzu vines in the southern US for over 20 years for baskets and kudzu blossom jelly. In 2018 a botanist came into my little shop and told me the good things kudzu was used for, so my medicinal journey began. I now offer kudzu leaf tea, kudzu blossom tea, kudzu root tea, kudzu root capsules and the wonderful kudzu blossom jelly. My little shop (Pic N Vine) has had visitors from all over the world (50 States and 50 countries to date) and I have learned all the places kudzu grows. I love this journey you took to gather the kudzu and hope to one day make my own.

We are seeing firsthand the dangers of kudzu in the Smokey mountains - it is covering the beautiful trees and landscapes. It is the most discussing thing I have seen and can’t comprehend the danger it is and will have on our environment. Did they not investigate this plant before bringing it to the US?? Can’t they find some way to kill it???

Goats eat the roots of the kudzu plant.

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