From Plant Press, Vol. 27, No. 2, April 2024.
Many of the urgent identifications that botanists of the National Identification Services (NIS) perform are of Asteraceae achenes, as these are common contaminants of cargo shipments. The botanists must rule out the presence of a Federal Noxious Weed (FNW) species, and many of the designated FNWs are in Asteraceae. Illustrated here are Asteraceae achenes of (150) Bebbia juncea, (151) Tridax procumbens, (152) Dyscritothamnus filifolius, (153) Dimeresia howellii, (154-155) Coreopsis lanceolata, and (156) Bidens pilosa. In 1980, Alice Tangerini illustrated these achenes for Harold Robinson using a technique of polycarbonate pencils on drafting film. The depth of shading with the pencils defined the intricate ridges and hair types of the achenes and provided the best media for publication in Smithsonian Contributions to Botany, No. 51 (1981). She remembers the most laborious part of the illustration was cutting amberliths (silhouettes) around each achene to drop out the gray background—a process no longer necessary with current printing methods.
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